Full Name
Paul Mercer
Job Title
Ohio Credit Union League
Speaker Bio
Paul Mercer is President of the Ohio Credit Union League and its affiliated organizations: its business subsidiary Navatros, its state and federal political action committees OCULAC and OCULPAC, its grant-making organization the Ohio Credit Union Foundation, and its advocacy reserve entity, the Ohio Credit Union Defense Coalition. Prior to his June 1997 appointment as President, Mercer served for five years as the League's Vice President of Credit Union Development.

Mercer presently serves as a Director on various joint venture and collaboration Boards, including: Cooperative Business Services, ViClarity, and Plexcity. Mercer’s past directorships include: Credit Union National Association, American Association of Credit Union Leagues, US Central Credit Union, Filene Research Institute, National Credit Union Foundation, League InfoSight, and CU Partner Link.

Prior to joining the Ohio Credit Union League, Mercer held management positions at Heritage Community FCU, the Massachusetts Credit Union Association, and the New York State Credit Union League. Mercer embarked on his long credit union career at Empire Corporate Federal Credit Union in Albany, New York in 1984.

Mercer holds a business degree from the University of Connecticut.
Paul Mercer