Freddie Mac was chartered by Congress in 1970 to support the U.S. housing finance system and help ensure a reliable and affordable supply of mortgage funds across the country.
Rather than lending directly to borrowers, Freddie Mac operates in the U.S. secondary mortgage market, buying loans that meet our standards from approved lenders.
Those lenders are then, in turn, able to provide more loans to qualified borrowers and keep capital flowing into the housing market. Freddie Mac then pools the mortgages it buys into securities, which they sell to investors around the world.
Rather than lending directly to borrowers, Freddie Mac operates in the U.S. secondary mortgage market, buying loans that meet our standards from approved lenders.
Those lenders are then, in turn, able to provide more loans to qualified borrowers and keep capital flowing into the housing market. Freddie Mac then pools the mortgages it buys into securities, which they sell to investors around the world.